Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Musician's Prayer

  To God, who created every song, note, and key All glory and
      praise, I offer to Thee Before the clap of the hand, or the
      tap of the shoe The concept of rhythm, it started with You
      You composed melodies for the birds to sing And anointed
      their songs with the joy that they bring So before You, the
      author of music, I bow I’m asking that You would bless me now
      With the understanding of this perfect gift This ministry You
      have blessed me with That Your glory will always be my goal
      That You will be the musician within my soul Whether it be
      with my voice, my hands, or my feet With wind, strings,
      pipes, or a steady beat Without Your Spirit to touch and
      anoint The sweetest sounds become mere noise But to play like
      David, to calm and to soothe And most of all, to be pleasing
      to you Let this be my motive and the source of my drive That
      Your name will ever be glorified Please let my praise be a
      sacrifice Offered to You, no pretense or disguise Let my life
      be a song more precious than words Sweeter to you than any
      note ever heard Let it ring out strong, and true to the end I
      ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

      Inspired by God, Written by: Vanessa L. Miller Copyright 2002

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